- Students who have been sick should bring a medical certificate from their doctor on joining school.
- Parents should fill up the “Record of non-Attendance” in the Almanac for each day the student is absent from school stating the reason for absence.
- A student who has been absent on the previous day will not be admitted to the class without a letter from the parent addressed to the Class Teacher, stating the reason for the absence.
- Leave for going out of station should be approved of, prior to proceeding on leave.
- A student suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to school:
- Chicken Pox : Till complete falling of the scabs. Cholera : Till the child is completely well
- Measles : Two week after the rash disappears.
- Mumps : Until the swelling has gone (about one month) Jaundice : Six weeks after recovery
- Whopping cough : Six weeks after the recovery
Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than six consecutive days renders the student liable to have his /her name struck off the rolls.