Stay informed about school events, schedules, and updates through regular communications from the school’s portal EDUNEXT.
Ensure that child’s uniform complies with all requirements, including any restrictions on jewelry, hairstyles etc.
Encourage a positive attitude towards education and support your child’s efforts in school.
Ensure that your ward carries text books/ exercise books according to the time-table.
Attend parent- teacher meetings to stay updated on your child’s progress.
You are requested not to send sick children to school, under any circumstances, especially if the illness is contagious.
Follow the procedures for school communication, such as notifying the school about the child’s absence or any change of residential/ office address and contact numbers.
Absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than 5 consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the school rolls after giving the parent or guardian of the student a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the proposed action.
Children should not be left unescorted at the bus stop. Avoid causing delays by ensuring you are on time for drop off or pick-up.
Children should not be left unescorted at the bus stop. Avoid causing delays by ensuring you are on time for drop off or pick-up.
Familiarize yourself and your child with the school’s rules regarding bringing in personal or valuable items. The school is not liable to pay or compensate for any articles lost by the students.
Mobile phones are not allowed during class or in designated school areas unless required for educational purposes.
Whenever you correspond with the school about your ward, kindly quote his/ her full name and class with section.
The school strives to maintain a consistent schedule to support student learning and ensure a full instructional day. Half- day schedules will only be implemented when absolutely necessary.